Kelsall Hill

The team were all on great form at Kelsall, enjoying the perfect ground and good courses. Sally Hayward and Mary MacGregor’s Drumgiven Mr Charisma stepped up to intermediate level with a 25.0 dressage, one pole down and a clear cross country round to finish 6th.

Swhiskey, owned by Molly Jackson and Rupert Neal, had a good spin around the 2*S with a 30.3 dressage, a couple of poles down and lovely clear across country. Meanwhile, at BE100 level, Jill Sackett’s Primiro placed eighth, Mark Johnson and Yvonne Mott’s My Cool Gold was also eighth, and their My Forever Blue, the least experienced of the bunch, was only just out of the top 10.

To top things off, Becky M had a good run round the BE90 on her own Burton’s Girl – a 34.8 dressage, one rail down and a clear cross country round.

Photo: Jeanette & Drumgiven Mr Charisma